Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Get Onboard with Split Tickets and Save Huge Money on Train Travel

Have you always wondered what it would be like if you could save some money out of your daily travel? This thought doesn't come to reality. We often end up spending more than we plan to. Sometimes the bus is too late, or the cab driver takes you through a different route, raising the meter higher. In cases like these, trains come in as the most convenient option. They take you places you want to go to a cheaper price. If you are a UK citizen or someone who is currently travelling in the country, travelling by train is the best option. You can save on your everyday train journey by using the Split train tickets method. Splitting your tickets means breaking down your tickets into more parts which help in breaking down the price as well. 


To get in the depth of the definition let’s take an example. Suppose, you have to go to your office which is in a faraway area of London. These come in certain stops between where your current location and your office. You have two options you can either buy your regular ticket to the office or you can buy multiple tickets to the stops passing by. This way, you get to save more. Ticket splitting is a very useful method that people in the UK use daily and get benefits from it.


How to use the method?

Splitting your ticket is as easy as buying a regular train ticket. What's different is you buy many tickets for the stops instead of a single ticket to the final stop. You can get it from the same counter you get your general ticket. There is no extra hustle as you don't even have to change your trains. You can sit on the same train and arrive at your desired destination. Make sure that the stops come under the route that the train is passing by.


How you can save more?

Apart from using the Split Ticketing method, different ways can save you more. Use Railcards whenever you travel for a cheaper train journey. You can use both methods at once. Book your tickets in advance to get more discounts and don't book them during peak hours. Look for the right time when there is not much rush and book your tickets then. Booking in rush hours can cost you more than usual. Splitting your ticket is a reliable and legal method approved under the National Conditions of Railway. You can use this method as per your convenience and save a lot in the long run.


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